Make Room for Love
Hebrews 13:1 (TPT)
“No matter what, make room in your heart to love every believer.”
When we understand that God loves us, that he gave himself up for us, how can we reciprocate to that love; isn’t it by loving him back? If we truly want to love Jesus, how can we ever do that without loving his body, which is the Church. In Hebrews 13:1, it says, make sure to create room in your heart, to love your brothers. Wherever there is a gap because of past hurts or bitterness, the Lord is giving us an instruction today to make special room in our hearts so that we can love every believer. Some of these believers may not look, dress, or worship like us. They might not have the same revelation that we do, they may not have the same ferocious pursuit of God or the same ferocious pursuit of ministry like we do, but it is still our obligation to love them. The reason we love them is not because they are good or perfect, but because they are an extension of the body of Christ. When we love them, we are indeed loving Jesus. That is the difference between loving a believer and an unbeliever. When we love an unbeliever, we are loving somebody that God also loves, and cares for. Because, God loved the whole world, that he gave his only begotten son, to express his love.
Yet, when we love a believer, we are not loving somebody that God loves, but we are indeed loving God. Because, that believer is now the body, the extension, the branch of Jesus. We all know how to honour, love, and serve the important people in the church. But, what about the least of these? That is what Jesus said, “what you do for the least of these, you are actually doing it for me” – Matthew 25:40
Wherever we are and whatever we are doing, the Lord is convicting our heart to be abounding in brotherly love, to be more intentional towards the believers in our Church, the believers that we know in the world around us; that we would be more radical in expressing our love towards them.
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