Mercy Over Sacrifices
The scripture from Matthew 9:13 is a powerful declaration by Jesus Christ. He was speaking to the religious people that were surrounding Him, and their primary job was to point fingers at all the things that Jesus was doing. They were trying to find mistakes and faults, and yet, Jesus pointed the fingers back at them, and He asked them to go back and learn the meaning of God’s word and understand a little deeper.
Sometimes, we are just being superficial trying to judge and discern others. Often, we come to conclusions based on one bible verse and try to judge a person based on that. We think that building an altar, worshiping God or bringing a sacrifice to God may be the ultimate purpose of our lives, and yet, there is something that is required of us and that is to show mercy in our relationships.
Are we willing to ignore the mistakes of our brothers and sisters? Are we willing to show love, mercy and forgiveness the same way God showed us?
Jesus came to call not those who think that they are righteous but those who know for a fact that they are sinners.
Today, God is inviting us to not just have a superficial understanding of how He functions but to study and understand the scripture a little deeper and not to focus on the sacrifices but to learn how to show mercy and to reach out to the sinners.
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