Neighbourhood Miracle Workers
We live in a perilous time and this is a season where the light of God in our lives has to shine and every word that comes from our mouth brings life, healing, and wholeness. Let us take authority over our neighbourhoods by declaring the Grace of God to overflow. God has not given us home or a place to stay by coincidence but for us to bring forth the glory of Jesus from where we are staying.
In today’s scripture, Herod was delighted at an opportunity to see Jesus and he had heard that Jesus was a miracle worker who fed thousands, gave sight to the blind and healed the leper.
Praying that today we will be known for the way we carry God and demonstrate his grace upon our lives even when there are challenges and trials, we are overcomers and believe that God is with us. We will not just be overcomers but also placed by God in a place that needs God’s touch and make a difference that is Greater, unique and eyes have never seen nor ears heard. Not every one of us may have Authority over a whole nation but we need to take authority over our homes and declare that no plague or sickness will come near us even if we may be the only child of God around our homes. When a plague came in Egypt, some foreigners lived among the Israelites but Because of the covering the Israelites had, even those who were not Israelites but took refuge with them were saved despite the plague.
We are placed by God in a place that needs a touch of God. Share on XIn this season God is raising giants in the Spirit that will slay every evil giant that is trying to come into our locality or city. Let’s Take Authority over that place God has given or placed us and see that Jehovah has the final say over them.
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