Act Immediately

by | Obedience

(2 Chronicles 24:5 NLT)

“He summoned the priests and Levites and gave them these instructions: “Go to all the towns of Judah and collect the required annual offerings, so that we can repair the Temple of your God. Do not delay!” But the Levites did not act immediately.”


Every day, when we gather in the presence of Jesus, we are longing, looking for a greater encounter. The best way to encounter him is to hear his voice, understand his heart, hear what is going on in his mind, and that is going to open up these doors of encounters in our lives.

In 2 Chronicles 24:5, it is talking about a king who is giving instructions to the priests and the Levites of his nation, when he was only an 8-year-old. The leaders and the Levites of the nation who were more experienced than this young guy didn’t think it was important for them to immediately obey what the king was saying, especially because he was a young man. The king was instructing the priests and the Levites to go to all the towns of Judah and to collect all the required annual offerings. This was required of the Lord. The king was not asking for something that God had not already commanded. This was already required of the Lord and yet people had become slack in doing it. Guess what happened because they disobeyed the king’s voice! The work of God got delayed, the prosperity of the nation got delayed, the worship got delayed, the altars got delayed, and the preparation that was supposed to be done so that the favour of God could return to the nation got delayed.

Let’s pray when the Lord wants us to do something, we will not hesitate, and we will not be thinking about what will people say or what people feel, will they feel offended because we are expecting them to put their money into the house of God, will they feel upset because we are practicing worship in this format because I am talking about prosperity. It doesn’t matter what people say, or feel. Let’s pray that as the Levites of the house of God, we will not hesitate in taking up the mantel that has been given to us. Whether it is a mantel to raise people or it is a grace to run businesses, or it is an understanding and a revelation that helps us to bring the lost souls into the church. Every calling and anointing is unique. Let’s not be worried about the one who is giving us the instructions as long as it is coming from the Lord, let’s jump into obeying it.

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