Allegiance to God

by | Sep 21, 2020 | Obedience

But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than any human authority.” – Acts 5:29 NLT


Today we need to come to an understanding in the areas that we need to obey God rather than people since we are always surrounded by people and their exceptions from us and sometime we get obligated to give into the pressure.

In Acts 5:29, the disciples face the similar situation, when they were out of the prison, the Pharasees warned them not to speak about Jesus, but Peter and the apostles responded that they need to obey God rather than any human, yet knowing their authority over them as their allegiance was towards God.

Anytime, it may be your closest friend, your spouse or even a person whom you meet on a daily basis or even the authority that is been placed over you, if they ask you to do something that is contrary to what God says, then you are obligated to reject it.

These situations might come in everybody’s life, how we prepare to obey God’s voice, is not just when we are put into that place but we have to start obeying God on a daily basis, this will prepare us with the strength required to make the right choice when we stand before the human authorities that we are obligated to listen to.

We see this from the life of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and many other men and women of God who stood up for their faith against tyrannical dictators, though they were persecuted, the foundation that they had to obey God gave them the strength to endure through these difficult seasons of their life.

May you be filed with divine strength and divine courage to respond in the right way. This is in fact will be a testimony of your love for God and His grace over your life.

You will have divine strength, if obedience to God is your foundation. Share on X

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