
The Lord is merciful towards us. If we are being submissive to Him and yield our hearts to the will and plan of God, we will see great things on this day. Let us not delay what God wants us to do on this day. In fact, delayed obedience is disobedience.

In the Bible, The psalmist says that he will hurry to obey God’s command and make sure there is no delay in being obedient to Him.

We wait for external circumstances and delay in obeying God. We tend to blame several things.

The Lord asks us to redeem our time by stop delaying obedience. A diligent lover of God and a persistent follower of the Holy Spirit will hurry to obey God. He will not procrastinate and blame.

Delayed obedience is disobedience. Share on X

God has already provided every essential for the completion of His obedience. Take a bold step into obeying Him, as you will see Him manifest in your life. We wait for solutions to obey God, But God is waiting for you to obey to bless you.

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