Extension of Promises

by | Jun 9, 2021 | Obedience

“Concerning this Temple you are building, if you keep all my decrees and regulations and obey all my commands, I will fulfil through you the promise I made to your father, David. I will live among the Israelites and will never abandon my people Israel.” – 1 Kings 6:12,13


Good morning and greetings in Jesus precious name!

We cannot do without the presence of God or without an encounter or an experience with God even for a single day. When we have an attitude of complete dependency on God, poor in spirit, dependency on God even for the smallest of thing, we will be able to succeed in all the big things in life. We think that dependency on God is only for big things, but no, when we depend on God for the smallest of thing out faithfulness towards God is shown.

In 1 Kings 6: 12, 13, God is making a covenant and a promise with Solomon. God is saying that He will extend His promises to David over Solomon and that He will live with His people in the Temple and He will never abandon His people the Israelites. However, God places a condition saying that Solomon has to keep all His decrees and regulations and obey all His commands. God is not saying that as much as you don’t miss the big things I don’t mind staying with you, but He is saying that the smallest of areas matters. God is saying to Solomon, that it is not enough that he builds a temple and worships Him, but now Solomon should pay attention and follow all Hid decrees and regulations and obey all of God’s commands.

There are three things, decrees, regulations and commands. Decrees and regulations are certain things that God has not expressed as a command but they are principles and ways of God by which we live and function. God wanted a wholesome commitment from Solomon.

When we live by the principles of God and obey His commands, we will see fruitfulness in every area of our life. Share on X

Because Solomon was David’s son, he could inherit the physical blessings but for spiritual blessings, he has to walk following all the decrees and regulations and follow every command of God.

May we be people who live by the principles of God and obey all of His commands, as a result of this we will see the fruitfulness of God in every area of our life.

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