Just Obey
It’s important to be aware of the privilege that each of us has to meditate on God’s word meticulously with so much freedom. Learn how to value what we’ve been told and taught. Let’s begin with a warning from the Scripture on how one should interpret God’s word.
Deuteronomy 4:2 NLT An address to the nation of Israel through Moses. “Do not add to or subtract from these commands I am giving you. Just obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you.”
God clearly specifies to His people that His instruction is a command and not a counsel or advice. If we read His word every day with the same attitude by taking it as a command, our lives will be transformed.
We should learn to preserve the authenticity of God’s truth because it has been digressed so much in translation just to sound different. Whenever God has provided instruction, we are to be careful not to add or subtract anything to our liking. God wants us to receive His word as a whole so we have to pay heed to the written Scriptures every year from the beginning to the end in order to not compromise according to how we want.
May we see the message as it is in a new light by blindly obeying what the Lord has given. We often get carried away by interpreting and teaching the commands of God when what should approach first is obedience. Just Obey.
The obedience of the Word is important than the interpretation of it. Share on XWhat is God asking you to obey and partake in your personal devotional time? How can you change your life around so that God’s hand is a first and foremost priority? The more we obey God’s instruction in our lives, our flesh will be no longer of the world but of the word. Let our prayers be centred around the manifestation of God’s instruction over every waking moment of our lives.
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