The Daily Sacrifice

by | Nov 23, 2021 | Obedience

“The lamb, the grain offering, and the olive oil must be given as a daily sacrifice every morning without fail.” – Ezekiel 46:15
Transcript:The Lord wants to reveal His heart and mind to His people. One cannot worship God, serve Him, or pursue Him unless he/she understands God’s purposes and how He functions. The scriptures give detailed instructions about the way one should bring his/her gifts, sacrifices and worship unto the Lord. “The lamb, the grain offering, and the olive oil must be given as a daily sacrifice every morning without fail.” – Ezekiel 46:15. God was showing prophet Ezekiel how the glorious temple will be established in the last days. It talks about a time when the temple will experience great glory. The above verse talks about daily sacrifices made in the morning. These were different from the sacrifices made weekly or monthly or on special occasions. There were 3 things essential in these morning sacrifices. 1: Lamb The Lamb was slain before the foundations of the earth. One should meditate on the death of Jesus on a daily basis, take communion, remember that they are saved because of someone else’s work, and remember that they can’t be righteous apart from clinging to the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Apostle Paul reminds people continually of the importance of the cross and that the things they have are because Jesus laid Himself down. Every time one celebrates and remembers the Lamb focusing on the finished work of Jesus on the cross, he/she would experience a revelation that is going to be worship or sacrifice. The more one experiences a fresh understanding of Jesus’ death, the more he/she will be able to offer worship and praise unto the Lord. Jesus once looked at a woman worshipping radically and said that she does so because she has been forgiven much. 2: Grain Grain represents the Word of God that comes through the Bible or through some person. When one receives a revelation from God and responds to it, it is a grain offering. 3: Olive oil The olive oil represents the revelations that are born out of an overflow or abundance of God’s presence. For example, when one speaks in tongues or when one engages with heaven in a spiritual dimension. When one taps into the power of a Spirit-filled Christian, there are revelations that are deposited in their spirit. When one obeys and practices those revelations and steps out in faith, that becomes worship or sacrifice unto the Lord. Share on X Ezekiel says that in the new temple, these 3 things need to be there every morning without fail. As you start a new morning today, can you begin be taking a fresh look at the Lamb, take some time to read God’s Word and worship Him as He speaks to you and spend time connecting with God in a deeper dimension? May God strengthen our hearts to do this constantly till it becomes a habit.

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