Sounded like One Person

by | One accord

2 Chronicles 5:13 (ICB)

“Those who blew the trumpets and those who sang together sounded like one person. They praised and thanked the Lord. They sang as they played their trumpets, cymbals and other instruments. They praised the Lord with this song: “The Lord is good. His love continues forever.” Then the Temple of the Lord was filled with a cloud.”


Many times we are interested in doing something new for God in Church but do we ask how we can be in sync with someone else who has a love for God despite not having the ability to express their love in the same way we do? In the first century Church, believers worshipped with one heart and soul. Would this not require us to be sensitive to the weaknesses of our brethren and complement each other?   

The Bible says when singers and trumpeters came together, it sounded like one person and they praised and thanked God together. When there was a sync in praise and thanksgiving, the oneness birthed and filled the temple of God with a cloud and the fire of God descended.   

Similarly, in the New Testament as a result of people’s praises and seeking God in oneness, there was a manifestation of heaven and the sound of rushing wind, where the glory of God manifested in the form of tongues. This requires us to die to our pride, and ego and uplift each other. Instead of being focused on the faults in others, we should find ways to build them. When that happens, Whenever we come together, there will be a manifestation of God. 

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