No Hard Heartedness

by | Person of the Holy Spirit

Hebrews 3:8 (AMP)

“Do not harden your hearts, as [your fathers did] in the rebellion [of Israel at Meribah], on the day of testing in the wilderness”


Today, the Holy Spirit is speaking to us. Let’s not forget that the Father and the Son Jesus are speaking to us, and the language/medium of that speaking is through the person of the Holy Spirit. Without the holy spirit we do not have access to Jesus and God the father. Because, it is through the person of the Holy Spirit that we hear the heartbeat of heaven. Remember that the disciples walked with Jesus for three and a half years and he taught, helped, opened up scriptures for them. But, when he left, he promised them “I am not leaving you as orphans. Instead, I am going to come back to you. The way that I am going to come back to you is not going to be the same. It is going to be in the person of the Holy Spirit.” So, when we interact with the Holy Spirit, when we receive and talk to him, it will be equivalent to speaking to Jesus.

Therefore, when we hear the voice of the Father and Son through the presence of the Holy Spirit, let’s not harden our hearts. Everything that God speaks to us can either make our heart hard or soft. When Moses was in the court room of Pharaoh, every time Moses spoke something to Pharaoh, it made his heart harder. If Pharaoh would have listened to what God was speaking the very first time, he wouldn’t have lost his sons, entire army, crops/wealth of the nation. It would have been much easier for him to submit and obey the very first time. But, the longer it took for him to respond to the voice of God, the harder it became.

The other effect is that, it melts our hearts, when the voice of God comes, when the Holy Spirit begins to bring us the voice of the Father and the Son. When we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Father, let’s not harden our hearts. Let’s not test the Lord, or, put this extra burden on the Lord to try and see if he is really patient towards us. Instead, let’s soften our hearts towards him. Let’s not be arrogant, stubborn, and stuck in our own ways as to what we want God to do for us. Because if we will trust him, we will become victorious, with solutions and answers! The voice of the Holy Spirit is the best thing, the best gift that we can have for our lives.


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