Patient Endurance
(Revelation 2:2 NLT)
“I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don’t tolerate evil people. You have examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not. You have discovered they are liars.”
May our desire today be to constantly grow in our endurance, and patience while we are waiting upon the Lord. Sometimes, waiting upon the Lord is not an easy process. It tests everything within us like our resilience, our purity, our desire and drive to please God, our DNA of spirituality.
Revelation 2:2,3 – This passage says that Jesus is constantly keeping his eyes fixed on us. He knows what we do even more than our family members or our church leaders pay attention to. There are certain kinds of work that require patience. We don’t need to have a lot of patience to finish a task in one day, but we need patience to do a task over and over again. If we are constantly engaged in a certain lifestyle/certain way of pleasing God even in the midst of opposition and when there is not much fruitfulness, if we continue praying, and being persistent, and if we pursue things that matter to the heart of God, then the Lord looks at us and says “that is patient endurance.” The Lord appreciates our patient endurance. Sometimes, the reason that we are unproductive in our walk with God is because there are certain evil people who are speaking and doing certain evil things in and around us. God explains how certain people who were claiming to be apostles were actually liars. Because the church at Ephesus examined the claims of such people and exposed them.
Let’s pray that we will be able to root out any lies in our spirit that are demoralizing us and causing us to quit midway, be silenced in Jesus’ name. Every doubt, or fear that is causing darkness and having control over our mind, we command and declare that they will be answered and solved for good and will never come back into the heart or mind of us. Today, we have made the decision to pursue God with patient endurance. May we have the grace to do it through the course of this year. May there be a consistency that will become part of our DNA.
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