Desire to Love Life

by | Power of Words

1 Peter 3:10 (ESV)

“For “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit;” 


The more we receive mercy, we find it easy to give mercy; not criticize or condemn others but to become vessels that will overflow with mercy and compassion.

Any lover of the Lord that desire a good life like Peter says, “let him keep their tongue from evil” When our tongue flows freely and randomly, we talk loosely and engage our words to demean or hurt, we are constantly using words for evil. Even if our environment or circumstances are perfect, if our words are not in alignment with the heart of God, we will be constantly complaining and finding fault in everything.

The next condition that is required of us, is that “his lips should stay away from speaking deceit”.  Do we utter things God has not uttered about someone?  Is our definition of truth something that we have seen, heard, experienced or that, our truth is Jesus?

Today, let’s choose for a lifestyle where the words we utter will be good and not evil.  The things we utter will not be deceitful but the truth of God’s heart. It does not matter what we are going through, because, it says – “let the weak say I am strong” because that is the truth.  Our strength will manifest in our weakness, as we speak the truth.

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