Day of Singing

by | Praise

Isaiah 12:1 (GNB)

“A day is coming when people will sing, “I praise you, LORD! You were angry with me, but now you comfort me and are angry no longer.” 


Everyday, we have an opportunity to grow in our revelation of him, to grow in our understanding of the grace that he provides us. Let’s value this grace and yield ourselves to the strength that this grace gives us.   

Isaiah 12:1 says, “A day is coming says the Lord when people will sing and this is their song: I praise you Lord, you were angry with me but now you comfort me and are angry no more.” One of the biggest blessings that we can have as children of God is the fact that God is no longer angry with us. The Bible says that this is a reason for us to praise the Lord, sing and celebrate.     

Let’s acknowledge this blessing in the way that we live and respond to the Lord. Along with the songs and praises, can we talk about our God to our friends at work? Because when we do talk about God, boast about our relationship with God, the mercy that we have received, we are in fact, praising him. The job of praising is something that we do loud and clear for people around us to hear and for them to be able to thank God for our life and to see our light.   

Everybody is not going to take our praises very easily, some people are going to be very upset. The Bible says that when Jesus came to Jerusalem, there were little children who were praising him and all the religious scholars and teachers that didn’t like Jesus became mad and were upset. In fact, they ran to Jesus and they tried to convince Jesus to stop the praises that was sung about Jesus. Jesus said “if these children and people stop praising, then the rocks will cry out.” Today, we have the opportunity to not let the inanimate objects to take our place, we can be the source to bring praises to God.

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