Intense Intercession

Jan 14, 2020 | Prayer

Intense Intercession

Jan 14, 2020 | Prayer

Acts 12:5 TPT
The church went into a season of intense intercession, asking God to free him.

God is working in every situation we are going through, looking at us and asking us to be intentional in our circumstances.

Sometimes we need to look out for other people’s circumstances as well and stand in the gap and respond to their life situations.

Herod was a king who would do anything to please people. The first thing he did was kill Apostle James by the sword. When he saw that people really liked it, he went ahead and imprisoned Peter, because he knew that Peter was the biggest voice of that time. Bible talks about how Peter had 16 guards to watch him and ensure he didn’t escape. The response of the church wasn’t one of passive and that God’s will be done, but their response was extremely intense.

We saw in December’19 how the entire church of Bethel in Redding, went into intercession for the raising up of baby Olive from death. But the funny thing is the church around the world criticized them for expecting such a miracle from God.

Here is the first church seeing Apostle James being murdered and Peter being imprisoned. They begin to battle in intercession and give up everything and prioritised to fight with prayer. They stood in the gap for Peter’s life. They were not just praying for Peter but for all those lives that will be touched because of Peter.
Peter was not supposed to die at that time, but the intense intercession of the church brought such a great result that they rescued such a giant.

Who are we standing in the gap for today, fighting for today or interceding for today. One person in our lives, our family, our office or our environment. Not just because we love them but because we know that there are plenty of destinies connected to this life, many sermons, revelations, books to be written, worship to arise, all resulting from these lives that would be transformed by us interceding for them and God touching them.

When we go to Heaven, we will fully see the result of everything we prayed for.
Let’s be part of the church and body of Christ who intercede, pray, stand in the gap for the things that matter to the heart of God.

As we intercede, may the Lord cause every word we speak, come to pass in Jesus name!

Even if it doesn’t happen the way we pray, like Bethel church who prayed for baby Olive to be raised up from death, they still did the right thing by sheer obedience to God’s word and the fact that they were willing to go into intense intercession for the life of that one destiny. That showed how much they valued the life of that one child.

May the Lord show us the right things to pray for and intercede for, and may our intercession change nations in the days to come!

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