Mouth of God

Apr 27, 2020 | Prayer

Mouth of God

Apr 27, 2020 | Prayer

2 Chronicles 35:22 HCSB
But Josiah did not turn away from him; instead, in order to fight with him he disguised himself. He did not listen to Neco’s words from the mouth of God, but went to the Valley of Megiddo to fight.

There are several moments, days and seasons in our lives where we are not attentive to hear God’s voice and pursue His desires. This is when, God uses other agents around us, they are, positive agents (a pastor, prophet or a friend) or negative agents (e.g, Jonah, God had to send wind and waves and the whale to speak to him).

It is sad, we are numb to the voice of God for Him to use enemies to speak to us.

Hope that none of us will go far away for God to use our enemies to speak to us.

Let’s go to 2 Chronicles 35:22, a story that talks about Josiah.

Here’s a little background about Josiah. Josiah became king at the age of eight. He had been ruling the nation of Judah with ferociousness and righteousness and made sure to keep the law of the Lord to see the nation turn back to the Lord.

However, the only mistake he made in his entire life was to not consult the Lord before making his decision.

Let us take a look at the verse :

“But Josiah did not turn away from him; instead, in order to fight with him he disguised himself. He did not listen to Neco’s words from the mouth of God, but went to the Valley of Megiddo to fight.”
2 Chronicles 35:22 HCSB

It says, Josiah did not listen to Neco’s words. Neco was the king of Egypt, an enemy who killed Josiah. Though Neco was an enemy, the words he spoke to Josiah were words that were from the mouth of God, where God was warning Josiah to stay out of the battle. Since Josiah wasn’t ordained and protected for this battle.

Because Josiah was caught in His own world and the revivals he was leading. He wasn’t attentive to hear what God had to say about this battle, the battle costed his life.

He went into the battle disguised though the battle wasn’t meant for him. In fact, King Neco acknowledged that he was not suppose to fight Josiah.

King Neco, was not an Israelite, he did not have a revelation of the God of Israel and yet he said, that God had sent him to fight somebody else. The enemy of Josiah had a better understanding of God’s voice than King Josiah himself.

But this would not be your story today!

In the midst of all the good things happening around, we will take time to listen to God’s voice, engage with the heart and the mind of God to find out what are the battles that are meant for us and we are to engage in and the battles that are not our assignment to have victory over.

Ponder: What are the unwanted/uninvited injuries we are receiving from the enemy just because we are not attentive enough to hear God’s voice?

When you have an assignment from the Lord to take down the king of Egypt, you will have the protection of God.

When God told Moses, go and take down Pharaoh, God gave him the protection, the staff and everything required to come out of Egypt alive.

If God has not ordained the enemies you are fighting, if God has not ordained your victory over your enemies, then you are fighting a losing cause! Share on X

So, what do we do?
We need to wait and hear His heart, His voice by not jumping into decisions just because you feel that’s the right thing.

Wait on the Lord, hear His voice and when He tells you to go, you go and He will lead you all the way to victory!

When you have an assignment from the Lord to take down your enemies, you will have the protection of God. Share on X

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