Unholy Incense

by | Dec 4, 2020 | Prayer

Overlay the top, sides, and horns of the altar with pure gold, and run a gold molding around the entire altar. – Exodus 30:3 NLT


This podcast is a repost, originally posted on Nov 29, 2017

Series: Incense of Prayer

We have been studying on the incense of prayer. Prayer is the incense that God expects and enjoys from us.

The Bible says that there are golden bowls which are our exclusive altars of incense burning that represents our prayers.

Exodus 30:3 & 9 talks about holiness. We generally think holiness is just our activities such as – not smoking, not drinking etc. But holiness is much more than this. It is what we are meant to do with our lives. If we do what we are not supposed to do in our lives then that is unholy.

God wants us to keep our prayer holy and exclusive and not involve any other offering with it.

Why did God ordain prayer? Pursue whatever is there in God’s heart for your prayer life. Don’t just pray to receive for your personal agenda, but pursue the will of God for your life through prayer.

The scripture says – make sure to cover the altar with pure gold.

Gold represents holiness and purity. When you come to God in prayer, don’t pretend to be somebody that you are not, open your heart out to God. Though we are imperfect, don’t let that stop from opening up your heart to God.

Bible tells about two people who went out to pray – a Pharisee and a tax collector. The Pharisee just boasted about how good he is, but the tax collector went to pray with a sincere heart.

There are times when our heart might be clean but our activities might not be clean, still we can bring our heart to God and ask Him to change our heart and make it pure like gold and make us holy.

I pray these scriptures over everyone who is listening right now, let them experience that holiness, purity and sincerity in their prayer life. Let them come to a place where we are not hiding anything from You or pretending before You. Let us be as we are before Your eyes. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

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