Victory Over Time

Jul 8, 2020 | Prayer

Victory Over Time

Jul 8, 2020 | Prayer

Joshua 10:12 NLT
On the day the Lord gave the Israelites victory over the Amorites, Joshua prayed to the Lord in front of all the people of Israel. He said, “Let the sun stand still over Gibeon, and the moon over the valley of Aijalon.”

This podcast is a repost, was originally published on November 6, 2017.

Series: Overwhelming Victory

From Joshua 10:12, we come to understand the power that God is willing to manifest. We’ve been believing for an overwhelming victory. This overwhelming victory- is not ordinary.

The Israelites were fighting the Amorites, and if the sun sets, they would have to restart the fight the next day.

So what Joshua said was that they need to finish the battle against the enemy that day itself- that they cannot wait for next day morning.

Nobody has done this before, nobody has prayed a prayer like this- before or after. Joshua prayed “Let the sun stand still over Gibeon and let the moon stand over the valley of Aijalon”.

The entire movement of the Earth, the whole planetary system, came to a stand still because one man prayed. He put time on hold, on pause. Nobody can do this- put a day on pause to complete errands, or chores, or all the work, and then resume.

God listened to his prayer!

Let’s use this amazing story for our lives and pray that God stops our seasons right now till we experience complete victory in our fights, in our battles, in whatever we’re trying to overcome.

Prayer has power, and if we pray and move, God’s hands will move and give us overwhelming victory – not ordinary victory, but overwhelming extraordinary victory.

We have victory over everything – even over time – because surely the Lord is fighting for us today!

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