Always Reverent

by | Nov 25, 2021 | Presence

Blessed are those who fear to do wrong, but the stubborn are headed for serious trouble. – Proverbs 28:14

In this season, we have been understanding and having a knowledge of how to respect and revere the presence of God and when we understand that the presence of God cannot be toyed with or taken lightly, there should be some fear. We know the story of Ananias & Saphira and that of Nadab and Abihu who were struck dead. There are things we can do on a regular day and God can pardon but when we sit in His presence, we should be conscious. The Lord is calling us blessed if we fall in a category that have the fear of God.

This fear of God is not that one that will cause us to fear and run away from his presence but one that will cause us to fall and prostrate before his presence like Isaiah did and because of his reverential fear of God, the Bible says the seraphim came and cleansed his lips with coal from the altar of God understood the fear of God. A man who understands what to do and what not to do in the presence of God is one who is prone to encounter and his mind is open to encounters from God and is one who God enjoys. Let us think of the way we open some of the social media apps during worship or prayer it is almost as if we are ignorant of the king of kings is right there but we should not be ignorant of the presence of God in the church. The Lord says find me a man who has a fear for his presence and has a desire to respect Gods presence and he will be increased and be elevated and blessed are those who fear to do wrong.

A person who is unable to fear God or his presence is one whose heart is made of stone and does not respond to the presence of God. And such a heart is headed for serious trouble. Today, this is a call for someone reading this to turn around and choose to have a broken heart before what we have that stands around us breaks. Choosing to do this because of a revential respect and fear for God. This should be a result of knowing how great our God is and choosing to respect and reverence His presence in a measure that He is worthy of because He is present.

When we sit in God's presence, we should be conscious of what we do. Share on X

May we all have the grace to be blessed and happy people who will be in reverence of Gods presence.

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