Mountain Called Yahweh

by | Jun 30, 2022 | Presence

“As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the LORD surrounds His people From this time forth and forever.” – Psalms 125:2 (NKJV)


Greetings in Jesus name! Welcome to this amazing new day!

Do you know that the Lord’s presence with you is more than enough for you to be able to overcome every fiery dart that the enemy throws against you. You need to be assured of God’s protection. You need to have your eyes open to see the manner, the ways, and the provisions of God. When we are blinded to what God is doing, we will be in crazy mess. Because, now we don’t have the faith or revelation. We don’t know what to expect, we will be caught off guard because the enemy capitalizes on our unbelief and ignorance.

Psalms 125:2 – “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people from this time forth and for ever.”

The mountains that are surrounding the physical city of Jerusalem is a prophetic sign for every child of God. Because Jerusalem was supposed to be a city where worship happens, it was a city that was close to the heart of God, it was a city that he had chosen to place his name in that place, it was where the temple would be built, it was where the ruler of the nation of Israel will rule from, Jerusalem was supposed to be the place where the saviour, the messiah would come to rule at. The bible says that there are mountains that surround the city of Jerusalem. These mountains help to protect against invaders, unwanted and unexpected army or the enemies that are coming in hoards. These mountains create a stumbling block for the enemy to freely enter into the city of Jerusalem.

God is pointing towards these mountains and telling us that just like the mountains that are surrounding the city of Jerusalem “my presence is surrounding you”. He says “so the Lord surrounds his people”. As I share this revelation with you, my desire and hope is that each of our eyes will be open to see the reality of who surrounds us; it is not enemy, it is not sickness, it is not lack, it is not poverty, it is not problems, but it is the Lord who surrounds us.

There is this particular story in the Old Testament about Elisha who was on a hill, and one morning when he woke up his servant came running at him saying “do you know that we are going to die because the entire hill is surrounded by the enemy and there are chariots, horses, warriors and they are going to destroy us, kill us, take us as captives.” This servant was in great distress because of who surrounded the hill. The servant’s eyes were not open to see spiritual realities; he was merely limited to physical environments around him. He came to Elisha, the man, prophet, and seer of God asking him “what to do now, how to get out of this situation.” He needed to be consoled, comforted, and a word from God. Elisha, on the other hand, did not panic; he was not scared or afraid. Although the danger was real, he was not falling on his face, crying out to God and expecting God to come down and rescue him. Instead, Elisha just said “God, would you please open the eyes of my servant”. He just prayed for his servant’s eyes to be able to see the same realities that Elisha himself was seeing. He was not even asking for God’s help or intervention; he is only asking that their eyes would be open to seeing what God is already doing. As soon as his eyes were opened, he saw that there are chariots of fire, there are chariots that are spiritual in nature that are surrounding the hill even before the enemy had laid a siege around it. These chariots of fire were on Elisha’s side. That opening of eyes that the servant had was enough to quench every doubt, every disbelief, every concern, every question, every fear that this is going to be the last day of his life.

Today, I am prophesying to you may your eyes be opened to see who you are surrounded by. You are not surrounded by your enemies, questions that do not have an answer, people who are taunting you and making fun of you, you are not surrounded by problems and challenges. You are surrounded by the Lord himself.

The Lord says, one more time, “as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people from this time forth and for ever”. This is going to be our eternal state. We are not just going to go to God, even in heaven, hoping to find some help and mercy and some time with him. No, he is going to be surrounding us, he is going to be all around us, above us, beneath us, beside us, inside us. This is the nature of God. He wants to be the mountain that surrounds us. Anybody that wants to fight you will need to pass by through the mountain called God. Anybody that wants to hurt you, they are trying to eventually hurt the mountain by the name Yahweh. So, you can be rested today, you can be at peace, you can be calm because the Lord is going to make sure to bring you on the other side, and he is going to protect you during this phase, he is going to encourage you and strengthen you during this phase of fighting the enemies that you are fighting in this season. Will you just believe and trust him that from this time forth you are surrounded by the Lord.

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