Source of Blessing

by | Jun 6, 2022 | Presence

“That is why the Levites do not have any land. The Lord told them that they would always be nearer to him than the other Israelites. He would give them work to do for him. And he would give them everything that they needed. So they would not need any land.” – Deuteronomy‬ ‭10:9‬ (‭EASY)‬‬


Good morning and Greetings in Jesus’ name! Let us seek the Lord together today and understand what he wants to do specifically in our lives. How can our relationships, finance and family be different from the world. How can the presence of God truly manifest in our lives?

In our anchor scripture today, we see that the Lord told the Levites that they would not need any land. The entire land of Israel was divided for different tribes yet when it came to the tribe of Levi, they were not given any land. They would build their farms and then feed on livestock. God said they belong only to him and they ought to do all their work for him. When the rest of the Israelites do all that they were told to do then all their hardwork will be to obey Gods plan and purposes and as a result of what they do, God would give them everything that they needed. It didn’t mean that they didn’t have work to do or could not enjoy the wealth and prosperity that the other eleven tribes could enjoy. Instead it meant that the source of their blessing was not going to be the Land but God himself and God was going to provide all they need.

In the new testament we are chosen one and the set apart for God. Jesus encouraged us to seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, working for his glory, name and fame and when we seek the Lord, everything desired will be added to us. This is what God promised to the tribe of Levi that there would be no lack even if they do not have the same tangible land that everybody does have they would still have their tangible and physical needs met.

This is something that the Lord is speaking over his people today, whatever we do and wherever we are and whatever commitments we have in life, let us prioritize pursuing Gods presence in this generation and if we intentionally choose to make this shift in our lives today, we will be the new testament Levites.

And this is what the Lord says: We do not need a land, employers who will pay us so that we can be blessed but all that we would need is a relationship with God and He will be the source of every blessing in our lives. When we have heard from him and know that we need to work in a particular place or do a particular thing we understand that we are ultimately accountable to our royal boss that is God himself. When we work for him, he will be the source of every good thing that comes out of our business, company or organization.

Let us receive the blessing that nothing will be lacking in our life because God is the source of our blessing.

When we work for God, he will be the source of every good thing that comes out of our lives. Share on X

PRAYER: Father we thank you for this word and that we are the new testament Levites and that we are the ones you have selected to work exclusively for you whether we work in church or corporate. We thank you because you are going to give us everything that we need. We thank you because we do not need a land to be blessed but all that we need is you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen! 

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