Think About Your Love

by | May 4, 2022 | Presence

God, we come into your Temple to think about your love. Psalms 48:9 NCV


Greetings in Jesus’ name. Welcome to this beautiful brand new morning. Today, we need to make it a practice to keep coming back into the presence of the Lord. The more we understand, God wants us in his presence; the more we understand his love and longing for us, the more we need to respond to that love. We need to respond to that longing, by being rooted in his presence and by making his presence our home, our refuge, and our comfort.

The Bible says in Psalms 48:9 – God, we come into your temple, and there, we think about your love. It’s very easy for us to confess something like this in the new Testament. But, if we consider the context, when they wrote this, not everybody had access into the temple. Not everybody could go into the most holy place, but still, the Psalmist says, we come into your temple, irrespective of whether they are welcome in or not; irrespective of whether they are physically inside the temple of God or not. Back in those days, most people were only allowed outside the temple, so, how is it possible for them to say, we come into your temple! Because, it was not a matter of physical presence, rather, it was their hearts, which longed to be in the presence of God.

Today, even when you are occupied with work, family, children, you can still be rooted in the presence of God. For example, you can live your day out, as though you are in the temple of God: If you were standing before God, how would your heart be ready and receptive for the Lord to touch you? If you have audience with Jesus, what kind of clothes will you be wearing? What kind of conversations will you be having? How would your life change if you are actually living in the temple of God? Let’s not forget that we have access into the holy of holies, so, we have to intentionally transport ourselves into that place of great glory, honour, holiness and great presence of God. We have to believe that, while we work on our computer at Office, we are actually seated in the temple of God. When we are talking with our friends or watching cricket, we are doing all that, in the presence of the Jesus, such a shift of perspective will change, how you make your decisions and every aspect of your life.

The Psalmist continues to say, God, we come into your temple and there, we think about your love. We meditate on how much you give yourself to us, because the Bible says, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Today, instead of meditating on our lack or the people who’ve hurt us, let’s meditate on his love, his provision and his abundance in our life. Nobody has all their life figured out, so let’s ask God for his solution, one thing at a time, but that cannot be the dominant part of our relationship with God. From morning till evening, if we can make all our conversations and relationships about how we have received love and help from God; if you can trust his heart for your life, then, there will be absolutely no struggle.

Remember that this season, we have to rest. We have to allow the Lord to restore our heart and our mind. And, that is possible only when we trust God’s love for us. The enemy is gonna constantly work at trying to convince us, that we are not loved by God, or He doesn’t want to bless us, or, God doesn’t want to provide for us… Refuse to believe those lies, instead, meditate on the love and goodness of God.

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