Supernatural Faith

by | Promise keeper

(Genesis 17:17 ESV)

Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said to himself, “Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?”


There are certain things the Lord wants to do in our lives, which may look impossible, which may not look feasible with our limited resources. There may be all these limitations and weaknesses that surround us, but for those who trust in the Lord, He promises something amazing to us.

In Genesis 17:17, Abraham hears the promise of God and understands how his destiny can change if this promise comes to pass. Yet, he is unable to believe, or understand how it will happen, and that causes him to laugh, and dismiss this promise altogether. He does this, considering his human physical limitations. Similarly, when God has spoken some fresh revelations to us, or if there is a prophecy that is given to us, and we have dismissed them at the first instance. We may have given out so many reasons as to why and how it will not come to pass. Let’s pray that our unbelief be turned into supernatural belief and trust in the Lord. Even with the brokenness, failures, and lack of understanding that we have, the Lord will use those areas to now become opportunities for testifying and sharing God’s goodness to others. It will become doors, the message that we will preach and talk about. Let’s not look at those failures and conclude that this is the end of it. No, the Lord is preparing something beautiful in the days ahead for every one of us.

If Abraham, being the father of faith, doubted, questioned, and constantly worried about this one thing, I am sure that our faith or lack of it is not going to obstruct the Lord from moving in our lives today. The Lord will cause faith to arise amid unbelief, and supernatural trust to come amid chaos and confusion.


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