Not Oppressed

by | Nov 3, 2021 | Protection

Yet he did not let anyone oppress them. He warned kings on their behalf: – Psalms 105:14

This morning, we hope you are ready to enter every blessing and possession God has for you. It may look like no answers to problems but we will see it will come to full closure.

In Psalms, our forefathers Abraham, Jacob & Issac, wandered from nation to nation even though they had favour from God. They were called pilgrims.

How would we respond to God when we walk in instability? If our forefathers chose to be loyal to one kingdom, they would have been protected there.

In Psalms:105:14, It says that “Yet he did not let anyone oppress them. He warned kings on their behalf.” Many people had the opportunity to oppress them but God never let them go away. A word of hope for you, Only God has the final outcome of your life. You shall not be oppressed. God is fighting for you. At times, we think we are fighting for God. But, only God is fighting for you and he protects you in the realm.

No matter how much suffering you are going through, the Lord has not let have power over you. Share on X

Whatever has happened or is happening is not the worst that could have happened to us. No storms around us have authority over us.

May you be the person that God shows His strength.

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