Counted as Dead

by | Oct 18, 2021 | Purpose

I am as good as dead, like a strong man with no strength left. – Psalms 88:4


Good morning and greetings in Jesus’ name. Welcome to this new day. I hope that you have strength in your emotions, in your mind, in your body. Every aspect of your life needs a certain amount of strength, a certain amount of calibre, to continue to grow, to continue to go to the next level. Each of us, we have lungs in our bodies, we have our heart. Now, can you imagine a state where our hearts or our lungs, can’t function in their normal capacity? It doesn’t have the strength or it is restricted or it is constricted, what will happen? It will lead to a total failure of all the other body parts and the psalmist, he writes about this in Psalm 88, verse 4, he says “I am as good as dead”. Another translation says “I can now be counted as a dead man. I may be talking, I may be singing, I may be behaving like everything is going good in my life, but you can count me as a dead man”. You can count me as unproductive, you can count me as useless, you can count me as somebody who cannot do anything with his life, that nothing good can come out of this. Why is he saying that? He says that it is because I am a strong man with no strength left. He’s not saying I am a weak person, he’s saying “I am a strong man with muscles, I have all my abilities in place and yet, the strength has left the muscles. The strength has left my mind, the strength has left from my bones, from my words. There is no more strength left.

You should understand there can be a physical strength and there has to be a deeper, even more, stronger, spiritual strength that has to empower your physical strength. Just the fact that you’re working out every day and that you’re going to the gym and doing everything, proper eating right doesn’t assure you of everything going right in your body. There has to be a strength that empowers the strong man that you are. There has to be a spiritual breath that needs to empower the life that you carry. There has to be a spiritual grace that needs to sustain you and this morning I’m here to restore, I’m here to reinstate and speak that spiritual strength into every aspect of your life, your finances, your career, your business, your ministry, your relationship, your marriage, your parenting, your willingness to work for the Lord, I’m speaking a spiritual strength to now equip and empower you now, because the day that you’re devoid of that spiritual strength, then you are as good as dead.

The moment in which we forget, ignore or neglect our calling, we will stop receiving the strength to function in our calling. Share on X

You may be doing the same ordinary things that everybody is doing but your labour is in vain. You may be watching the city, but your watching, your guarding may be in vain. On the outside, it may look like you are building a great wall., you are building a great house but your labour will be in vain, it will be as good as dead. I’m speaking that spiritual life that resurrection life that will now add a meaning, add a purpose, add a direction to everything that you do that you can’t just be doing life just because you want to sustain or survive or just feed your kids and just pull through another day, just somehow maintain blood flowing in your veins. No that’s not why you are working, my friend. There is a sacred calling upon your life, there is an anointing upon your spirit. There is a high purpose, there is a high calling with which God has called each and every one of us. The day we forget that the day we ignore that, the day we choose to neglect that, that day we will stop receiving the strength to function in those callings, to function in those areas and the moment we stop receiving the strength, I’m telling you that we are as good as dead that’s why you would notice God tells Adam and Eve “ The day that you eat this, you will die” but how did they die? They died because they didn’t have access to the tree of Life. It’s not like God killed them, it’s because they couldn’t go back into the garden to eat of the Tree of Life.

In other words, that constant dependency on the tree of Life is what kept them alive, is what kept them going, is what kept them awake and active in every season of life, and this morning I’m speaking that life, that resurrection life, that grace to see things and experience things and that grace to experience things in the innermost parts of your life, I’m speaking to receive *t*hat there will be a strength that will come from the inside of you that will now overflow into your body, it will now overflow into your mind, it will overflow into your emotions. It is going to overflow into your relationships. You will not be empty today, your work will not go in vain my dear friend. Your ministry will be for nothing, you will build and you will build with eternity in mind. You will build with a purpose, with a royal understanding of who you are in Christ Jesus of what Jesus is doing in and through your life.

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