Scatter Burning Coals

by | Nov 4, 2021 | Purpose

Then the LORD spoke to the man in linen clothing and said, “Go between the whirling wheels beneath the cherubim, and take a handful of burning coals and scatter them over the city.” He did this as I watched. – Ezekiel 10:2

Welcome to this amazing new day. Hoping we are ready to allow the Lord to give us new strength to fulfil the call of God upon our lives. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to be the wind beneath our wings. We should remember that we are not just here by coincidence or by chance. We are placed on earth and within a geographical location, city or town. Physically, spiritually, and relationally, there are families and people we are surrounded by. God has a divine purpose that can only be accomplished and established through what we speak and what we do. The Bible calls us priests and what a priest does is to represent men before God, stand in the gap before heaven and earth, acknowledge the guilt of people, and re-align the heart of God back with them.

In today’s verse, the vision represents a Priest and we can get detailed information of what is going on in the temple. God is causing this priest to rise up and go between the whirling wheels. We see that every time the living beings moved, the wheels moved too. These wheels represent four different dimensions of our lives here on earth. A city in the physical is bigger than how much coal is yet in the Spirit realm, he was doing it Prophetically. When He puts these burning coals they have two different effects, they can either purify or consume. It can have an effect of revival or an effect of creating ruins wherever it goes. This is the Job that everyone does. You may be either prophet who carry the revival of God or bring across His Judgements. That is the mantle of someone who stands in the gap for a nation. It is necessary for this season as hard as it may be when we spend time in God’s presence to go afterwards, carrying these coals and asking Him to pour out fire upon our city and our nations. Depending on whether our city or nation is ready for it, we may experience revival or divine judgement. It is necessary that we remain in sync with what is happening in the heavenly realm and say let the will of God be done.

There is a divine purpose of God which can only be accomplished through what we do & speak. Share on X

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, use everyone reading this today as a priest in linen clothing who is willing to go beneath the Cherub in heaven and come and scatter coals of fire over the city and nation they represent. We pray you to raise up prayer warriors and Prophets that will represent what they see in heaven here on earth in Jesus mighty name.

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