Redigging Wells of Encounters

by | Jan 6, 2023 | Inheritance, Podcast

2 Chronicles 8:11 (DARBY)

“And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David to the house which he had built for her; for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy to which the ark of Jehovah has come.”


Good Morning and Greetings in Jesus’ name. This day, may the Lord do a beautiful and deep work in our spirits. It is necessary that every encounter we have with the Lord, changes how we deal with our friendships, relationships, finances, business, career. If our spiritual encounter remain spiritual in nature and does not flow into our day to day life, then that spiritual encounter may not be of any value to us. It may not actually be transforming our lives.

In 2 Chronicles 8:11, it says, how Solomon married a pagan woman(daughter of Pharaoh). This was not allowed by God to the nation of Israel. Yet, Solomon went against the practises and protocols set by God and his ancestors and married Pharaoh’s daughter, who was an idol worshipper. Perhaps after an encounter or having a better revelation of who God is, knowing how holy, awesome and great God is, he understood that marriage cannot be dissolved. The scripture here says, Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David. A place where she was settled in, comfortable and enjoyed her life. Solomon made sure to remove her from that place. The reasoning that Solomon had, is the key for us to understand why he did what he did. He says, this is the city of David, the place where the ark of Jehovah has come, and so, this place is holy and what is unholy cannot mix with what is holy. Solomon couldn’t allow a woman who doesn’t worship, honour, adore, pursue or understand the ways and manners of our God, to continue in the holy place. He brought a separation and consecrated this place where the presence of God lived and had visited in the past. This was not the place where the ark was at present. It visited this place in the past, and here, Solomon was trying to honour the memory of something his father did in the past. He was not ready to undervalue the visitations of the past by bringing the unholy things in the places where his father celebrated the holiness of God.

Many of us has those areas in our life, that we regret like Solomon regretted marrying Pharaoh’s daughter. There are so many things that we could have done better. But now, that we are here, were we have a revelation of our needs and dependence on his presence, how are we going to honour, prioritise and celebrate our visitations from yesterday? Because, that is going to set the way for God to visit us today, tomorrow and the day after. If we would consecrate those places, that place can now become the breeding ground for new encounters and revelations!

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