Refrain From Fear
Psalms 46:1 (LEB)
“God is our refuge and strength, a very sufficient help in troubles.”
Welcome to everything that the Lord has prepared for us in this season. There’s absolutely nothing that we are going to miss, as long as we keep our eyes focused on him, as long as our heart is still rooted in his love, and our hope is ultimately in Christ Jesus, our Lord and our Saviour.
In Psalms 46, it says that “God is our refuge and he is our strength, he’s a very sufficient help in troubles.” This is something that we have to believe for this season that is ahead of us. We need to believe that this God we serve, we submit, who leads us, has the ability to guide us in mountain seasons and in valley seasons, he is our ultimate refuge and strength and because he is our refuge and strength, his help is sufficient.
Sometimes, it takes a little bit of guts and audacity to trust in the lord. It’s easier to trust in him and believe in his provision, after we see a miracle or breakthrough or a healing. It takes a greater amount of boldness, to trust in him, even when we don’t see or understand. Why did Jesus tell Thomas, “I’m sure that you have seen me and have believed, but blessed are the ones who have not yet seen and yet they believed.” Today, if we have the audacity to believe that God is our refuge and strength, if we have the courage to believe that his help is sufficient, in every trouble that we will face in the year ahead. Then, we have to believe what we’ll see in the next couple of verses, in Psalms 46, “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” It’s talking about a worldwide catastrophe! and the Lord is asking us, will you refrain from fear this coming year? If we truly trust in the lord, if we truly believe in his promises and his provision over our life, if we truly believe that we are about to walk into our promise land, then, we have to actively, aggressively work to stay away from fear, because those who believe that God is their refuge and strength, those who believe that, he’s a very sufficient help in trouble. They will not fear or be a victim of all the scare that the world around, try to give us. But, instead, they will trust in the Lord and their trust in the Lord will allow them to keep going back to God, who is their refuge and strength.
This coming year, as much as the Lord has made so many promises for us, please remember, those promises are not going to come without a battle. They are not going to come easy, there are going to be giants that are gonna stand in our way, as we endeavour to enter into our promised land. As we try and take possession of our Canaan, as we try to re-establish ourself, there are going to be mighty giants that are going to try and threaten us, demean the anointing that the Lord has put on our life…. Can we refrain from fear? Can we refrain from lack of courage? Can we be convinced to live in the boldness and strength, our Lord is clothing us in, this year!
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