Deliberate Pursuit

by | Relationship

1 Corinthians 9:10 (FBV)

“Wasn’t he directing this at us? Surely this was written for us—for anyone who plows should plow in hope and anyone who threshes should hope to share in the harvest.”


Let’s pursue the Lord intentionally and because of our pursuit, expect a return.  God moves in an atmosphere of faith, so, we need to have faith and expect a reward, as we serve God. That’s why the scripture says, He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him. 

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 9:10, about the principle of sowing, ploughing, and threshing. Anybody who is involved in the farming process has to desire and hope to partake in the harvest. It is necessary that we increase and revive our hopes and expectations. The very basis of faith is the things that we hope for. So if we have lost our hope that means we have become very casual with our relationship with God. The violent, aggressive, and determined are the ones who will take the Kingdom of God by force. 

Today, let’s change our attitudes from being passive and casual about certain things and adopt an aggressive attitude because we know where God is taking us. Remember, when we activate our faith in our farming, the harvest is at our right hand.


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