Flee from Idolatry
(1 Corinthians 10:14 KJV)
“Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.”
Every day that we breathe, is an opportunity to know the Lord more. The more we know Him, the more we grow to adore Him, worship Him, experience Him, and enjoy His presence. What are the things that capture our attention? May it be a person, or a show, or anything else; these things or people become the objects of our worship. I pray that we repent and fall in love with the Lord all over again. In 1 Corinthians 10:14, Apostle Paul gives a series of instructions and gives it with love and care.
He was not talking to ordinary people but to believers. I pray that we know how loved we are. The only way we can know that and give our life to Him is when we see and understand how much He loves us. The Bible says, ‘We love because He first loved us’. We lay our lives down because He did it first for us. The more we are forgiven, the more revelation we have about how much He loves us. Paul says, ‘Flee from idolatry’. The word flee is active and should be acted upon immediately. It can be good things like food or husband, or wife, it can even be our children taking up our gaze and attention and becoming an idol in our lives.
There is no other alternative when it comes to worship. We cannot have anybody or anything else; only He deserves all our attention and adoration. No one can be compared to Him. The Bible talks about many things that the Lord’s love is better than. Let’s flee from anything that is taking our time and attention.
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