Protect Your Love

by | Right partnership

(2 Chronicles 19:2, GW)

“Jehu, son of the seer  Hanani, asked King Jehoshaphat, “Why do you help wicked people and love those who hate the Lord? The Lord’s anger is directed toward you because you have done this.”


Wherever we are in life, the Lord is drawing our faithfulness, heart, and loyalty towards Him. There may be certain relationships and conversations that might end up compromising your love for the Lord. The Lord wants us to pick up on those areas of our lives, introspect well, and fix our hearts, love, and devotion to the Lord.

In 2 Chronicles 19:2, it says, that King Jehoshaphat went into the battle and made an alliance with wicked King Ahab. He was a man who murdered the men and women of God and established places of altars for worship unto Baal and Asherah. King Jehoshaphat had good intentions and a desire to love and serve King Ahab. And yet, when the prophet of the Lord came to King Jehoshaphat, he asked, why did you love the man that hates the Lord. There could be certain individuals, occasions, or circumstances that surround us, that make it clear that they truly hate the work of God. We don’t need to distance ourselves from the world, because the entire world is filled with sinners and those that are rebellious to God. The Lord will give us the capacity to love them, no doubt. But, on the other extreme, there are certain individuals, who are involved in actively hating the work of God and blaspheming God.

We can evangelize people without partnering or falling in love with them. If we truly love God, we cannot love the ones that hate God. We need to have enough discernment to understand where and how to draw boundaries around ourselves. The Lord will help us to expose every hidden agenda and lie of the enemy. We need to draw boundaries around ourselves so that there is absolutely no mingling with the system that is going to infiltrate our hearts and hurt our loyalty to God. We should be willing to hate the things that God hates and stay away from the people God wouldn’t associate with.


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