Interest of Others
(Philippians 2:4 ESV)
“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Today, let’s remember that in everything that we say and do, we are echoing the heart of God. Sometimes, as we live here on the earth, we are so occupied with what we need and are hardly looking at what other people around us need. Apostle Paul says that Jesus didn’t live in a manner that tells everybody that they need to serve him. He came to live, serve, help, and bless others. When Jesus was on earth, there were days when he would be extremely tired, yet, he never stopped children from coming to him, he didn’t stop people from coming and receiving from him, even at midnight.
Let’s think of those people that God wants us to serve today. Let’s take some time to deprioritize our needs and prioritize their needs. Even when Jesus was on the cross and going through great pain, he looked at his neighbors and said “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” At that point, his focus is on Mary and he says “Mary, here is your son.” He looks at John and he says “Here is your mother.” At that point, he is looking at people who are hurting him and he is praying for them to the Father saying “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing. How could it be that even in the moments of so much personal pain Jesus was able to look past himself and focus on someone else’s need, pain, or problem?
What would it be like if each of us would live out this same principle in our families, marriages, Churches, and relationships? Let’s pray, “Lord you know my needs, you are my father, you will take care of my needs. So, I don’t care about my needs. Because I have a heavenly father that cares for me. But you have placed me here on the earth to take care of your children and to feed, serve, and love them on your behalf. Those that don’t have a revelation of who you are, you have placed me in their life to be your representative.” If each of us could make this prayer, imagine how much of Jesus will be manifested in our communities wherever God has placed us.
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