Contend for the Faith

by | Steadfastness

(Jude 1:3 RSV)

“Beloved, being very eager to write to you of our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.”


Today, let’s get ready to engage in spiritual warfare, not the one that is fought in flesh and blood or with carnal weapons. But a warfare that requires us to have the spiritual weapons that God has given us, to defend the life that is put inside of us. The life that came to us by faith. In this warfare, the enemy is constantly trying to quench that fire inside of us. And we have to fight and contend for this life and defend the fire and grace that we have received.

In Jude 1:3, the author is asking us to contend for our faith. Our life is sustaining on the earth because of faith and it is our faith that we will carry to eternity. Anything we do outside of our faith is sinful. Therefore we need to engage in a constant spiritual warfare to make sure that our faith remains constantly alert and watchful. We are all saved by faith, and not because of something special that we accomplished for the Lord. Everyone has a different revelation and understanding and all of us grow parallel and in different seasons. Yet the foundation of our salvation is common. And this faith is not something that we manufacture on our own. It was delivered to all that’s why we can corrupt or change it.
When we hear the word and understand the teaching, that is when faith arises. We grow in the understanding of who He is and where He is taking us. We need to do everything possible to protect what we believe and confess it with our mouths. We can’t let that faith be watered down. We have to contend for the authenticity of this faith. So that faith will remain a substance that will build our life, help us grow, and have victory in our life.

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