Discredit God

by | Mar 11, 2022 | Submission

Will you discredit my justice and condemn me just to prove you are right? Are you as strong as God? Can you thunder with a voice like his? – Job 40: 8,9


Good morning and greetings in Jesus’ name. Welcome to this beautiful morning!

Wherever you are, let’s take a moment to celebrate the Lord; His presence, goodness and kindness in our lives. There is absolutely nothing that happens in our lives that is outside of God’s control. Even the bad and sad things, broken things, they are all in the complete control and dominion of our King, who is seated in Heaven. When we remember that, we will continually acknowledge that He is a just God, even when we don’t see it manifest in our world. We will understand that He is a righteous King, even when we don’t see righteousness all around us.

When Job was going through a lot of pain and turmoil, he ended up blaming God for being unjust. God replies to him in Job 40:8 – “Will you discredit my justice and condemn me , just to prove that you are right? Are you as strong as God? Can you thunder with a voice like His?’’

God is questioning Job’s understanding. God is asking Job as to why he is discrediting His justice? Job has no understanding and intelligence to see how God has created everything and how everything functions. Job is trying to discredit God’s justice just to prove that he is innocent. He felt that he did not deserve all the pain and struggle that he was going through. In his pursuit of trying to prove his innocence, he condemned God.

John in new testament would say, “If any of you say that you have no sin in you , you are technically saying that God is a liar. You are condemning God.” We cannot prove our innocence before a holy God, the most righteous One. He is our Master and there is no partiality in Him. How can we prove our innocence or our perfections over His?

God explains Job about His infinite ability in the physical, spiritual, intellectual and the wisdom realm. Job acknowledges that he is not as strong as God and that God is superior. When we come into God’s presence, we have to trust His justice, we have to trust the fact that God is righteous and all of us are imperfect when we compare ourselves to God. When God says something we need to agree to it and submit ourselves to His words. We need to surrender to God’s plan.

We need to submit and surrender to God's plans for our lives because He is a sovereign God. Share on X

Let’s pray together: Father we thank you for the revelation of who you are in the scripture. We know we are not as strong as you are. We are not as great as you are. And so, we will never discredit your justice. We will not point fingers at you. Instead, we will submit ourselves to your mercy. We know that if you had to count our sins, there will be nothing left of us. That is why, we will appeal to your grace, your mercy, your kindness, your love over your dear children. We love you Daddy. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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