Fellow Servants of Jesus

by | Dec 15, 2021 | Submission

Then a white robe was given to each of them. And they were told to rest a little longer until the full number of their brothers and sisters—their fellow servants of Jesus who were to be martyred—had joined them. – Revelation 6:11


Greetings in Jesus’ name. I know that many of us are living in comfortable environments, but what we don’t remember or understand is that all around us, people are paying a price, people have to give up their basic rights in order to follow Jesus or express their love for the Lord. For us, we may be in Christian homes, environments, churches that are secure or covered, but there are people who worship in places, but if they are discovered, they will be put to death or their children or families will be taken away from them or persecuted. As a Christian, it is our responsibility to pray for brothers and sisters and people undergoing persecution globally. Not just in the far corners of the earth but for the ones close-by, in your apartment, office or the ones serving in the outskirts of your city or rural parts of the state or nation. it’s necessary that we stand with them and provide sources required to become easier for them to serve and continue to love Jesus.

Revelation 6:11 says “And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them” Who are these “them?” They’re the ones who’ve entered into eternity because of persecution because they had to lay their life down as a martyr in order to prove their loyalty to Jesus. A white robe was given to them and they were told in heaven, to rest a little longer, until the full number of their brothers and sisters who were to be martyred had joined them. So, in God’s foreknowledge, in His pre-destinations, plans and His purposes, there is a full number of their brothers and sisters; a full number of God’s people that are supposed to be martyred or persecuted. In God’s foreknowledge, he has pre-destined some of the people to enter into heaven through martyrdom. What are we supposed to do? We need to prepare ourselves for a time, where we may have to lay down our lives, where we may be asked to give up our love for Jesus, our service and declaration of Jesus, in our environments, in exchange for our comfort and our own human relationships that we celebrate here on earth, so we need to prepare ourselves for that; ask God to give us the strength, if required, even die for the name of Jesus. But most of us, may not even get that opportunity to die for his name, but we all have the opportunity to live for HIS name

I like this term in this scripture that says “they are fellow servants of Jesus” So, God is looking at all these martyrs that are already in heaven, giving them a white robe, giving them a place to rest and relax and cease from their labour, and God is telling them that there is the rest of them that are the fellow servants of Jesus. It’s the fellow servants that are the other servants of Jesus that are living on the earth right now. They are living in such a way that they have died to themselves, they are sold out to the purposes of Jesus. It’s no longer I that lives in them, but Jesus that lives in them. They are fellow servants, the bondservants or the slaves for the purposes of God here on earth. We need to wait and watch how they complete their work. Now, you and I, need to prepare for martyrdom here on earth but we also need to prepare ourselves to live for Jesus here on earth. See, martyrdom is a one-point death, where somebody comes and kills your body on one particular day, but living for Jesus requires you to die to all of your relationships, all of the things your flesh craves, you’ve got to constantly live a life of martyrdom, live a life of sacrifice and a life of continually giving up your convenience to receive God’s plan and purposes in exchange. The more we cling to our life, the more we will lose it, but Jesus says the more we are willing to have gained it.

We need to prepare every attribute in our lives for Jesus to receive God’s plan and purpose in exchange. Share on X

We think “if we give up this thing, we will no longer be true to ourselves. This is not my personality, this is not what I want to do with my life, and yet the very fact that you’re holding on to yourself is proof that you’re losing yourself.” The more that you are willing to lose yourself, you’re able to give up your own life, the closer you will be to finding the purpose to your life, to finding the destiny God has ordained for you, to reaching the place where you become the Jesus bearer of heaven on earth, the carrier of God’s presence on this earth. Let’s pray together and ask God to give us the grace to be the fellow-servants of Jesus, to be the ones that would, if necessary die and for sure, we would live for Jesus by constantly dying to ourselves every single day.

Holy Spirit, we ask for this inner enabling to please the Father, to please Jesus, please you and do everything possible in a way that we live in close fellowship with the triune God and live in submission to your will and purposes on earth. We submit ourselves to you, 100%.

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