Glory Encounters

by | Feb 19, 2021 | Submission

And Moses said, “This is what the LORD has commanded you to do so that the glory of the LORD may appear to you.”- Leviticus 9:6 NLT


Let us seek the heart of God, search for that one thing we need to grow in the Lord today.

In the above verse, Moses speaks to Aaron and all the Levites who are serving in the tabernacle of God, about the requirements they need to maintain while serving and if they do so then the glory of the Lord may appear to them. The glory of the Old Testament was one that was fading away, it was not as glamorous and eternal as that of the New Testament glory. Just because we’re not under the law of Moses, doesn’t mean we’re not under the law at all.

What are those areas of our lives we have taken the presence of God for granted? Romans 8:1 shows that we are under the law of the Spirit of God.

Whenever God speaks to us and commands us to do things, He always teaches us and gives us the anointing to do those things. When we still refuse to do what God expects us to do, how would we encounter the glory of God?

If we want to encounter His glory, we have to be willing to obey and surrender to Him. We cannot experience the glory of God without surrendering to Him. Share on X

If we encounter the glory of God without surrender, we will not be able to survive. That is why God told Moses that he was not ready to see His glory and be able to survive after.

Moses gives Aaron and the Levites the formula to encounter the glory of God. The more we yield and surrender ourselves to God, the more we die to our flesh. The more we die to our flesh, the more we are ready to experience the glory of God.

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