Grace for Transition

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(Joshua 1:5 RV)

“There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee nor forsake thee.”


Today, let’s get ready to walk with the lord, to experience His grace, to enjoy the greatness that He is about to deposit into your life, and for the new anointing and mandate that is to come upon you.

God promised Joshua that no man shall be able to stand before him all the days of his life. These promises were specific to the assignment that Joshua was about to undertake. When Moses passed away, the mantle fell upon Joshua. God blessed Joshua to be an overcomer. Joshua was a ferocious student and studied his master well and he followed Moses well. That is what qualified him to receive the mandate. The beautiful thing about Joshua’s pursuit of Moses was not because he wanted to be the next leader or to achieve fame. God looked at the one who followed Moses the most, the longest, and for his constant pursuit. God promised His Nearness to Joshua just like Moses did.

If we have our gaze fixed on our Moses, God says we will not fail nor be forsaken. We will not have to quit any assignment midway! People and circumstances may fail us, but the Lord will not fail. God will make sure that we will increase and abound in everything. Receive the grace to transition into something new, something anointed, and something powerful.


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