Oppose the Truth

by | Apr 20, 2022 | Submission

“And as Yoḥane and Mamrĕ opposed Mosheh, so do these also oppose the truth – men of corrupt minds, found worthless concerning the belief;” Timotiyos Bĕt (2 Timothy) 3:8 TS


Greetings in Jesus’ name.

The Lord is carefully working in every aspect of our lives. He is revealing His grace and heart to us.

Timotiyos Bĕt (2 Timothy) 3:8 says, “And as Yoḥane and Mamrĕ opposed Mosheh, so do these also oppose the truth – men of corrupt minds, found worthless concerning the belief;”

The above verse talks about two people named Yohane and Mamre, who opposed the old testament prophet Moses. Moses was not just a political leader but also a spiritual head, the man who was responsible to hear from God and lead the people according to what the Lord was speaking.

There were couple of people who opposed the established order that God had given them. We see their name’s, Yohane and Mamrĕ. They opposed the man of God, rule of God, protocol that God had placed. They ended up in death, some people were swallowed by the earth, some were burnt by fire, some perished in the wilderness just because they were not in alignment to were Moses was leading .

Paul is reminding the people of what Yohane and Mamrĕ did to Moses and is saying that in the same way some of the people in the church will oppose the teaching of God’s word, they will oppose the men of God, people who have responsibilities leading the people of God.

When this happens, we should not be surprised!

One of the markers of this group of people is that they will be fighting the leaders and opposing the truth of God’s word. Paul says that these people are men of corrupt mind.

My prayer is that whatever is corrupting our minds, conversations, television; everything of the world, that we would be able to bring it all at the altar and allow the seraphim to take the coal and cleanse our life.

When our mind is corrupted, our belief system tends to be worthless. It is not going to be of any benefit.

Our belief system becomes our foundation; our principles, decisions, choices are dependent on our belief systems. Share on X

When you are somebody who oppose the men/women whom God has placed over your life, then consequently you are opposing the truth; you are going to be in the category of people who are useless and worthless.

We need to revere the men and women God has placed in our lives. We need to place everything that is corrupting our minds at the altar and take a step forward to evaluate if we have any worthless belief system that we need to work on, repent off.

Let’s pray.


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