Receive Divine Sense

by | May 19, 2021 | Submission

Thank God for your good sense! Bless you, for keeping me from murder and from carrying out vengeance with my own hands. -1 Samuel 25:33


Good morning and greetings in Jesus precious name!

Today God is giving us understanding and wisdom beyond our wildest dreams. We need divine wisdom, divine understanding, divine sense to navigate the difficult season of our life. It’s not common sense, it’s divine sense. The sense that comes when we have an understanding of God’s heart for our life. When we see things from God’s perspective or see beyond what we see now, it changes our choices, decisions, and the way we use our words, everything begins to change.

When we rewind our life and check our hearts now, if we would respond in the same way, knowing the greatness for which God has called us and the way God fought for us and how God has led us through, will we still respond to certain situations the way we responded in the past! Will we still avenge and fight back and hurt those people! A good sense will tell you, “I shouldn’t have done that or I shouldn’t have put my hands in those things because what God had planned for me is so big! ”

Today God is giving you that kind of sense and grace

In 1st Samuel, we read how David tried to take things into his own hands. A man named Nabal protected and provided for and made sure everything in his house is covered. And in exchange, David expected Nabal to provide for him and his men. Bible says that Nabal was a very proud and arrogant man and he refused to help David. David was a man who depended on God, who trusted God all the time. But in this incident, David chose to put his trust in his protection and provision that he provided for this family. He expected that this family will bring protection and provision for him and his men. But, Nabal failed David! Davis was so furious that he wanted to kill Nabal.

In all of this Nabal and David had short-sightedness, they couldn’t see beyond. But there was this one woman named Abigail, who saw beyond these circumstances. She came and advised David not to kill Nabal. She said that God will fight for them. She brought and advice that brought sense to David and he exclaimed, “Thank God for your good sense! Bless you, for keeping me from murder and from carrying out vengeance with my own hands.”

In this season we need to pray and thank God for the good sense He has already given us. We need to thank God for the Abigail’s He has given in our life. We need to thank God for people who bring the heart of God when we can only see the immediate circumstances and surroundings and people who have hurt us. Thank God for the Abigail’s who bring us a perspective that is beyond what we see right now. We need to thank God for the good sense that He is giving you not to fight for yourself, not try to take things into your own hands.

If you truly believe that your life is in God’s hand if you truly believe that He has the authority to direct, shift, realign, change, bless, redirect every aspect of your life then you have to let Him do it. You have to learn to trust Him to be the author, the perfecter of everything in your life. You need to allow the Lord to fight for you.

When you believe and trust God’s hand in your life, you allow Him to change and realign aspects in your life. Share on X

We need to fight for God’s house, for God’s kingdom. When it comes to the Philistines giant that comes to fight the nation of Israel, David did not have to show any mercy. He had to go ahead and kill it. But when somebody fights you, you don’t have to fight them, when somebody doesn’t take care of you, you don’t have to make them your enemy because those who try to fight you become God’s enemy. And those who try to fight God’s church, His Kingdome, His people, they have to now become your enemy.

Today, if we allow for an exchange in our hearts, where these temporary situations cannot rattle us, where we let good sense prevail in our hearts and God fight our battles. But at the same time, we do whatever it takes to fight for God’s Kingdom and His House, that is wisdom and a divine sense that God wants to give us today.

May we exercise divine sense in our life.

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