Little Longer – BRC Worship

Mar 10, 2019 | Sunday Songs

Little Longer – BRC Worship

Mar 10, 2019 | Sunday Songs

| Lyrics |

What can I do for You
What can I bring to You
What kind of song would You like me to sing?

‘Cause I’ll dance a dance for You
Pour out my love to You
What can I do for You, beautiful King

‘Cause I can’t thank You enough
‘Cause I can’t thank You enough

This morning God yearns you to be closer to Him. As you worship today soak and enjoy in His presence a little longer! Because you are His heart’s desire!

Enjoy this song. Have a blessed Sunday.

If you’re in Bangalore, join us for the Celebration Service at 11 AM @ Bangalore Revival Center.

You can also tune-in to watch the service live on: YouTube.

For sermon updates and more details about the service visit our Website

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