Spirit Move – Kalley Heiligenthal

Jul 1, 2018 | Sunday Songs

| Lyrics |

I feel it in my bones, You’re about to move
I feel it in the wind, You’re about to ride in
You said that You would pour Your spirit out
You said that You would fall on sons and daughters

So like the rain, come and drench us in love
Let Your glory rush in like a flood

We are fixed on this one thing
To know Your goodness and see Your glory
We’re transformed by this one thing
To know Your presence and see Your beauty

I can see it now, Your kingdom come
I can hear it now, the sounds of heaven
You said that if we ask, we’ll receive
We are asking for the greater measure

So like the rain, come and drench us in love
Let Your power rush in like a flood

We are fixed on this one thing
To know Your goodness and see Your glory
We’re transformed by this one thing
To know Your presence and see Your beauty

Come and blow on through
Spirit move, we’re ready for You to
Come and blow on through
Come and do what only You can do

We are fixed on this one thing
To know Your goodness and see Your glory
We’re transformed by this one thing
To know Your presence and see Your beauty

2 Corinthians 3:18
So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord – who is the Spirit – makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image.

Today as you worship Jesus, pray that you will encounter Him face to face and see His glory. When you meet Him, there is no way that you can go back unchanged and untransformed.

Have a Jesus filled-encounter Sunday service!

Enjoy this song. Have a blessed Sunday.

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