Victor’s Crown by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Apr 22, 2018 | Sunday Songs

John 16:33
“..But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

| Lyrics |

You are always fighting for us
Heaven’s angels all around
My delight is found in knowing
That You wear the Victor’s crown
You’re my help and my defender
You’re my Saviour and my friend
By Your grace I live and breathe
To worship You

At the mention of Your greatness
In Your Name I will bow down
In Your presence fear is silent
For You wear the Victor’s crown
Let Your glory fill this temple
Let Your power overflow
By Your grace I live and breathe
To worship You

You have overcome
You have overcome
Jesus You have overcome the world

You are ever interceding
As the lost become the found
You can never be defeated
For You wear the Victor’s crown
You are Jesus the Messiah
You’re the Hope of all the world
By Your grace I live and breathe
To worship You

You have overcome
You have overcome
Jesus You have overcome the world

Every high thing must come down
Every stronghold shall be broken
You wear the Victor’s crown
You have overcome
You have overcome

At the cross the work was finished
You were buried in the ground
But the grave could not contain You
For You wear the Victor’s crown

You have overcome
You have overcome
Jesus You have overcome the world

Jesus is your ever present help in times of your troubles and your deepest needs. When He is with you, you are victorious. As you enter into your services, go in with this victory attitude because the one who wears the victor’s crown has overcome the world.

Enjoy this song. Have a blessed Sunday.

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