The Captain’s Direction

by | Leadership, Podcast

Numbers 14:4 (DRC)

“And they said one to another: Let us appoint a captain, and let us return into Egypt.” 


Nothing is great enough to stop us from entering into our promised land. The enemy tries to discourage us because he knows, that if he manages to take our eyes away from the Lord, then immediately we will look for another plan and, begin to live a lifestyle which will thwart the purpose of God in our life.
Egypt was a land of slavery where everything the people did was in obedience to their master. There was no freedom to do anything, God wanted them to do. The people were living in discouragement. Once Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and into permanent freedom, people started complaining about the leadership for various reasons, that made them look away from the promised land. They wanted to journey back into slavery, and they thought of replacing Moses, the leader God appointed for them. But, Moses’s eyes were fixed on the promise of God. He didn’t slow down when problems kicked in, in fact Moses was ready to take any risk in order to enter the promised land.
Changing our leader can change our destiny. If the leader is appointed by God in our lives, his gaze will be always be locked on what God is saying. And because of our submission to that leader, we will not end up in disappointments or failures but, will enter victoriously into our promised land. Therefore, it is necessary to identify whom we choose as a leader over our lives. If the one who leads us, is not appointed by God, then we will end up in Egypt, in slavery, and will not be able to enter into God’s provisions for our lives.

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