The Faith Report

by | Faith, Podcast

Numbers 13:32 (GNTD) “So they spread a false report among the Israelites about the land they had explored. They said, “That land doesn’t even produce enough to feed the people who live there. Everyone we saw was very tall”


We are surrounded by people who speak bad news and bring to us an evil report. Our spirits have to be quick to recognise and disconnect from those voices. Because, if we begin to give continue access to these voices in our lives, we will begin to believe and respond as they respond to the situation. In Numbers 13:32, people were sent to spy the land, but the majority of them, brought back a false report. Think! if the land is not able to produce enough food to sustain the people, then how come they saw the tall giants there? Giants require a heavy diet, how come these giants sustain in this land? The spies produced a false report and people chose to believe them. If we investigate the reports from the enemy, it will all be contradictory to the truth. He is the one who is constantly trying to disconnect us, from our relationship with God. He condemns us with his voice and make us feel unworthy. In such situations, our job is to declare faith. Faith is not always factual, but we have to declare our beliefs. Be ready to replace the false reports with our faith filled reports!

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