Not My Words

by | Mar 24, 2022 | Tongue

Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me. – John 14:10


This day is a brand new opportunity to know the Lord, to walk with him and, to represent him in the world around us. If we really embrace this mandate to live, love, and speak like Jesus, our lives will begin to create an impact, and a transformation in the world around us, which will last for all Eternity.

In John 14:10, it says, “Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?” Here, Jesus talks about his ministry and his time on the earth. He is asking the disciples whether they are able to see his relationship with God the Father, beyond the natural. Because, the disciples saw Jesus as their Teacher, who did extraordinary miracles, signs and wonders on earth. They failed to witness to the fact that Jesus and God the Father were inseparable. In other words, the way he lived on this earth, becomes the complete demonstration of the heart, character and nature of the Father.

Jesus goes on to say, “The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me.” Jesus said, the words he spoke, were never his own, but, in fact, those words were released by his Father, who’s living in him and working through him. Those words that creates life, heal and lift people, everything was Father’s work through his life.

If we want to create an impact in the world around us, and represent Jesus on earth, we need to watch the words that we speak! Share on X

Everyday we are tempted to voice out our opinion, when we see injustice and pain, our immediate response is to say what we feel like, or to express whatever is inside of us. What would our life look like, if we would refrain at that point, and look within us to hear what God is speaking inside of us, and speak only what we hear the Father is speaking. If we start practicing this way of life, where we speak only what we understand and perceive from the Holy Spirit, imagine how would our lives change!

The Bible says, Jesus gave the words he spoke, as an evidence of the fact that Father was in him. Sadly, that is not the case with us, as sometimes, we find no difference in the words spoken by a child of God or an unbeliever. We cannot go on speaking the same way anymore. Let’s speak the father’s heart for our lives, instead of confessing what the enemy is doing. Let’s not give any space to what the enemy is trying to release through our words. When we give God, the exclusive right to use our tongue and our words to bring glory to him, life will flow through us, and we will be able to impact those around us, just like Jesus did.

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