Shut Your Mouth

by | Aug 20, 2021 | Tongue

Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut,
and you will stay out of trouble. – Proverbs 21:23


When we allow the Lord to work on our lives, our lives will become fruitful not only to ourselves but even to the people around us. The Bible says in Proverbs 21:23 that we need to watch our tongue and keep our mouth shut, and as a result of it, we will stay out of trouble. There are some struggles that are necessary for example when a child is about to be born there is a little bit of struggle and that labour is necessary which helps the child’s muscles to be formed and makes the bones strong, but there are other labours or struggles which are not necessary and helpful in our lives, which do not add to the destiny that we are about to inherit, and those troubles are things that we can stay out provided we watch our tongue and we keep our mouth shut.
You will do very well in life if you know when to speak and when not to speak. Share on X

We love to speak freely, and we do not really watch our words, and the Bible says it is those very same words that have the capacity to trap you and carry in it the power to kill you or to give you life. If you would control those words, you can in fact stay out of trouble.

Of course, some of it is very physical like if you are in a fight and if you know that your speaking is going to create a big mess, it is a great idea to just keep quiet. The Lord wants us to keep quiet so that He can speak on our behalf. He wants us to be still so that we can see God in action fighting for us. If we are constantly fighting for ourselves with boastful and arrogant words, then How can God help us? When you stay shut and when you watch your words that come out of your mouth, the Bible says you will automatically stay out of trouble because God is going to stand up for you and you can testify how the Lord kept you out of trouble.

Abba Father, the Bible says that our tongues are like small things but nobody can really tame or control them, but we know that all things are possible for those who believe and today we believe that we will be able to watch our tongue, watch our words, we will be able to keep quiet when necessary, we will be able to refrain our words and our declarations or responses when necessary and because of that we know that you will keep us out of trouble, that you will help us to remain pure, that you will help us to remain sacred through the course of the day ahead. We love you and in Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

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