The Issued Command

by | Jun 30, 2021 | Tongue

Let every created thing give praise to the LORD, for he issued his command, and they came into being. He set them in place forever and ever. His decree will never be revoked. – Psalm 148:5-6 NLT

Today, The Lord wants to remind us that He is in control and is still ruling and reigning over our lives. He is in charge of the whole universe, the whole known and unknown world. The elements that go into forming our circumstances are created by God even the demons that persecute and try to stop our growth are created by the Lord. But when we declare over our circumstances, our circumstances will align so that our lives will bring worship and praise for the Lord. We have to constantly speak over our circumstances like our jobs, relationships our City, and constantly point out that they are created by God and need to give praises to God.

It is the same voice and order and declaration of the Lord that we can now inherit and speak. When we are going through difficult circumstances we tend to put it back to God, asking for help but He has given us the same Authority, Creative power, wisdom and Understanding. Jesus is the Wisdom of God with which the universe was created and that same Wisdom is available for us. When we open up our mouths and issue a command, things that have never been seen can come into existence. We may have all kinds of lack of real issues at hand, but when we open our mouths and issue a command as representatives of the Lord and as those who carry His likeness, it has to come into being. As the Lord created and spoke the land, water and all living things into being so it is when we speak things into existence they come into being. Everything that God has spoken over us as we have understood in today’s verse can never be revoked.

When we open our mouth to make a decree, things that have never been seen can come into existence. Share on X

When people commit, it can be revoked midway or they withdraw from it. It could be a boss promising promotion at the office or a Husband stating He will be there forever or the Church. All may change or revoke from their statements but the Lord never does. Everything the Lord set into place was by the power of his decreed word and because the Word of the Lord is eternally powerful and impactful, that will remain in existence forever till the time He doesn’t withdraw his word or speak another word. It is a reminder that God will not withdraw His love care and provision over our lives once he has said it, It is so for our entire lives. Today, It is up to us to represent the same grace, character and heart that God has for his people by speaking life-giving and gracious words. May our day be filled with life, Grace and Constant reflection of who God is in our community.

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