Words of Frustration
The Lord is waiting to change the way that we talk, interact and respond to difficult situations in life. On a natural day, we’d like to just open up our mouth and say whatever comes out of our mouth and just respond with curses, rebuke, frustration or hurt but what we don’t realize is that each word that we release is a seed, which has the capacity to germinate and create a plant and bring back to us the same results, the same insults, humiliation that we sow into somebody else.
The Bible says “as you sow, you will reap” whatever you sow, you will experience, you will receive it in your life. So, it is very necessary to be careful of what we speak in our life.
In Psalm 109, David is praying over some of his adversaries and these were earlier friends, people who David would pray for and would partner with and work with, and at one point they changed and completely refused help from David.
In fact, all the good that David did for them, was responded to by negative and by cursing him. Verse 17 says “ He loved to curse others” Not that he didn’t curse others out of an obligation or a difficult situation, he enjoyed doing it. David is asking God to retaliate his adversaries.
Now, this is what we don’t realize, when we speak words, when we hurt somebody and speak words of humiliation or disaster and when we wish it in moments of frustration and conversations, when these words come out, the Bible says God takes watch of all these things and because we have not used our words carefully, God has the same way towards us.
Here is a man who is hurt, who is in the receiving end of these hurt and curses, the Bible says “this man, is crying out to God, saying please, don’t bless him”. What will work against him, is not just the work of the enemy, not just the kingdom of darkness, but the prayers of the people that you’ve hurt? So it is necessary that we guard our heart, that we bless and not curse.
Verse 18, the Bible says “cursing is as natural as his clothes or the water that he drinks or the rich food that he eats”. So this is a guy that is well satisfied with his environment, has good clothing, good food and good quality of water, because this is so natural and ordinary and does on a daily basis, so that is how he has taken cursing for granted.
In fact, verse 19 says “now, may his curses return and cling to him like his clothing does, may they be tied around him like a belt” because he thought that cursing, speaking ill of somebody else and insulting somebody else was natural and normal, people have to get used to it, the Bible says that now, these curses are going to return to him and cling to him like clothing.
Sometimes, when you’ve been wearing a particular thing for a really long time, it could be a ring or clothing, if worn for a really long time, after a while, when your body grows, then the ring cannot come off of your finger, it gets stuck on your body, that is the capacity of the words that you are speaking.
It cannot be said about a real genuine child of God or a lover of Jesus, that his mouth is full of curses.
Today change the way you speak or utter your frustrations. When you’re upset, go into the presence of the Lord.
This Psalm is the prayer of a man that is really upset, now it’s okay to pour out your frustration before the Lord and tell him how you feel, but it’s not okay to begin to curse the people around you nor is it okay to remove your frustration on your spouse, children, parents, siblings or church members. When your’e hurt, run to the presence of the Lord and pour out your pain or struggle in the presence of the Lord. Verse 17 says, He loved to curse others, now don’t you curse him. He never uttered a blessing on other, now don’t you bless him Lord. Now let none of us be found enjoying cursing.
Prayer: Father, I pray that you will give us this divine grace to watch every word we speak, everything that comes out of our mouth, so that it can be pleasing to you and a blessing to the people around us. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
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