
When we encounter God, the way we express our abilities or limitations speaks of the depth of that encounter. We may feel under qualified just as Jeremiah felt when he was called by God to be the spokesperson on His behalf to the nation of Judah.

In Jeremiah 1:6, he sees two difficult challenges facing him. Firstly, he was not a good speaker. Secondly, he was too young and inexperienced. All of us have limitations placed on us by ourselves or the people around us. Some of us are ignorant of our weaknesses. Jeremiah’s weaknesses were a fact that he had admitted to having.

We need to acknowledge our failures, weaknesses, and struggles in the presence of God, and receive his grace, ability, and help in these areas. Moses too acknowledged he was not a good speaker. God filled in that area with someone who could do it for him. When we acknowledge our weaknesses, God will divinely make a way. He will put people around who can supplement that need. No one can do a ministry, career, family or parenting by themselves. We need God on a daily basis and accept the areas where we fail.

When we confess our failures, we confess our need for God, and how much we need his intervention in our lives. Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit,” because they know their desperate need for God’s help. We shouldn’t try to use our weaknesses as an excuse to dismiss the responsibility God has put on us, but rather we ask for the help of God and His providence. When a man asked Jesus to help his son, he told him that if he has faith all things are possible. The man replied “I believe; help my unbelief!” He knows he needs faith for the healing and he knows his lack of it. So he asks Jesus to help his unbelief. Jesus only wanted him to have faith, but that man was lacking in that very aspect. But He knew to confess and ask the help of Jesus. Apostle Paul prayed to take away his problems, but God said to him, “My grace is sufficient for you.” We should not dismiss or ignore our struggles, but rather we should bring them before God, so that his strength is made manifest in our weaknesses.

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