Peace our Portion
(Isaiah 26:3 KJV)
”Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”
Isaiah 26:3, says perfect peace is a possibility to a child of God. It’s not just talking about peace but having perfect peace. This kind of peace is undiluted and cannot be shaken irrespective of what is thrown at you.
The scripture promises us this peace and explains that it is derived because of two things. The first one is that your mind must remain in the Lord. And the second is that you have to trust God. There are times when you are able to keep your mind on Jesus but you are not able to trust Him. But When you begin to fully trust the Lord and keep your mind on Him, you begin to activate the grace to receive perfect peace. How do you keep your mind on the Lord? No matter what you are facing today take time to trust the Lord and to keep your focus on Jesus. Your mind is a product of what you feed it. That means what you allow – your friends or family to say, what you see or watch, it all forms the conscious and subconscious parts of your mind. So in order to keep your mind on Jesus, you must fill your senses with everything that has to do with Jesus. Your touch, eyes, ears everything must be filled with Jesus. When you begin to do that, your heart begins to calm down. You begin to experience a certain peace.
There are the lies of the enemy, sins, and all the distraction that surrounds you, that have a way of feeding your mind to distort, distract and disturb it. But if you can intentionally refuse it consistently with something superior and greater which is with the word of God, with sermons that stir up your spirit, and being in fellowship with those who seek the Lord with pure heart, such substance being fed into your mind will begin to create the unshakable peace inside your heart.
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